int	ft_count_if(char **tab, int (*f)(char*))
	int	i;
	int	count;

	count = 0;
	i = 0;
	while (tab[i] != 0)
		if (f(tab[i]) == 1)
	return (count);

Purpose of the Code

This function, ft_count_if, counts how many strings in an array of strings meet a certain condition.

Components of the Function

  1. Parameters:
    • char **tab: This is an array of strings (each string is a char *).
    • int (*f)(char*): This is a function pointer. It points to a function that takes a string (char*) as an argument and returns an integer.
  2. Local Variables:
    • int i: This is used to keep track of the current index in the array tab.
    • int count: This keeps track of how many strings meet the condition defined by the function f

How It Works

  1. Initialization:
    • count is set to 0. This will be used to count how many strings meet the condition.
    • i is set to 0. This will be used to iterate through the array tab.
  2. Loop Through the Array:
    • The while loop continues as long as the current string (tab[i]) is not 0 (or NULL). This means it stops when it reaches the end of the array.
  3. Check Condition:
    • Inside the loop, f(tab[i]) is called. This means the function f is applied to the current string tab[i].
    • If f(tab[i]) returns 1, it means the current string meets the condition. When this happens, count is incremented by 1.
  4. Move to the Next String:
    • i is incremented by 1 to move to the next string in the array.
  5. Return the Result:
    • After the loop has checked all strings, the function returns count, which is the number of strings that met the condition.


Let’s say tab is an array of strings: {"hello", "world", "42", 0} and f is a function that returns 1 if the string contains a digit and 0 otherwise.

The function ft_count_if will return 1 because only one string (“42”) meets the condition defined by f.

In Simple Terms

This function goes through each string in an array, checks if it meets a specific condition (defined by another function), and counts how many strings meet that condition. It returns the total count.