Exercise 00 : Oh yeah, mooore…
To solve this exercise you can copy and paste the command:
mkdir test0 && chmod 715 test0 && touch -t 06012047 test0 && echo -n "4242" > test1 && chmod 714 test1 && touch -t 06012146 test1 && mkdir test2 && chmod 504 test2 && touch -t 06012245 test2 && echo -n "1" > test3 && chmod 404 test3 && touch -t 06012344 test3 && echo -n "42" > test4 && chmod 641 test4 && touch -t 06012343 test4 && ln test3 test5 && ln -s test0 test6 && touch -ht 06012220 test6 && ls -l
If you want to do this but in different lines, you can follow these steps.
### a) test0 - Create a directory named 'test0' - Change the permissions of 'test0' to 715 - The owner has read, write, and execute permissions (7) - The group has execute permission (1) - Others have read and execute permissions (5) - Change the modification time of 'test0' to June 1, 20:47 (year is unspecified, system will default) - The format is MMDDhhmm, meaning month, day, hour, and minute - 'touch -t' allows you to set the modification time ```shell mkdir test0 && chmod 715 test0 && touch -t 06012047 test0 ``` ### b) test1 - Write "4242" to a file named 'test1' without a newline - Change the permissions of 'test1' to 714 - The owner has read, write, and execute permissions (7) - The group has read and write permissions (4) - Others have read permission (4) - Change the modification time of 'test1' to June 1, 21:46 (year is unspecified, system will default) ```shell echo -n "4242" > test1 && chmod 714 test1 && touch -t 06012146 test1 ``` ### c) test2 - Create a directory named 'test2' - Change the permissions of 'test2' to 504 - The owner has read and execute permissions (5) - The group has read permission (0) - Others have read and execute permissions (4) - Change the modification time of 'test2' to June 1, 22:45 (year is unspecified, system will default) ```shell mkdir test2 && chmod 504 test2 && touch -t 06012245 test2 ``` ### d) test3 - Write "1" to a file named 'test3' without a newline - Change the permissions of 'test3' to 404 - The owner has read permission (4) - The group has no permissions (0) - Others have read permission (4) - Change the modification time of 'test3' to June 1, 23:44 (year is unspecified, system will default) ```shell echo -n "1" > test3 && chmod 404 test3 && touch -t 06012344 test3 ``` ### e) test4 - Write "42" to a file named 'test4' without a newline - Change the permissions of 'test4' to 641 - The owner has read, write, and execute permissions (6) - The group has read permission (4) - Others have read and execute permissions (1) - Change the modification time of 'test4' to June 1, 23:43 (year is unspecified, system will default) ```shell echo -n "42" > test4 && chmod 641 test4 && touch -t 06012343 test4 ``` ### f) test5 - Creates a symbolic link named 'test5' that points to the same location as 'test3'. This means that 'test5' is essentially another name for the same file as 'test3'. Any changes made to 'test3' will be reflected in 'test5', and vice versa. ```shell ln test3 test5 ``` ### g) test6 - Creates a symbolic link named 'test6' that points to the directory 'test0'. This means that 'test6' is essentially a shortcut or reference to 'test0'. - Sets the modification time of 'test6' to June 1 at 22:20 (the year is unspecified, so the system will default to the current year). ```shell ln -s test0 test6 && touch -ht 06012220 test6 ```
Once you’ve done that, run the next command to create the file to bee submitted.
tar -cf exo.tar * && rm -rf test*
To extract a tar archive while preserving permissions: tar -xf exo.tar -p