Create the Makefile that’ll compile your libft.a.

This Makefile includes comments, but I’ve sent you a version without them. You can find it here: Makefile ```Makefile

Define compiler and flags

CC = gcc CFLAGS = -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Define library name

NAME = libft.a

Define source and header directories

SRCS_DIR = srcs INCS_DIR = includes

Define object files pattern

OBJS = $(SRCS:$(SRCS_DIR)/%.c=%.o)

Define all source files

SRCS = $(shell find $(SRCS_DIR) -type f -name “*.c”)

Define all header files

INCS = $(shell find $(INCS_DIR) -type f -name “*.h”)

Main rule to build the library

all: $(NAME)

Rule to compile a single source file

%.o: $(SRCS_DIR)/%.c $(INCS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -I$(INCS_DIR) -o $@

Rule to build the library archive

$(NAME): $(OBJS) ar rcs $@ $(OBJS)

Rule to clean object files

clean: rm -f $(OBJS)

Rule to clean object and binary files (fclean)

fclean: clean rm -f $(NAME)

Rule to rebuild everything (re)

re: fclean all

Don’t delete intermediate files (phony target)

.PHONY: all clean fclean re ```

It defines the necessary variables:

It implements the requested rules:

Additional Notes: