#include "libft.h"
* The strnstr() function locates the first occurrence of the null-terminated
* string little in the string big,
* where not more than len characters are searched.
* Characters that appear after a ‘\0’ char are not searched.
* If little is an empty string, big is returned; if little occurs nowhere
* in big, NULL is returned; otherwise a pointer to the first character of the
* first occurence f little is returned.
char *ft_strnstr(const char *big, const char *little, size_t len)
size_t i;
size_t j;
if (!big)
return (0);
if (little[0] == 0)
return ((char *)big);
i = 0;
while (big[i] != '\0')
j = 0;
while (big[i + j] == little[j] && ((i + j) < len))
if (little[j + 1] == '\0')
return ((char *)&big[i]);
return (0);